The Ammobunker Inq28 Sub forum is currently running an event "Make a mini from a movie month". Everyone is choosing a character from a film and translating that image into a model. The translation isn't 100% accurate but it aims to capture some of the source's traits in the 40k universe.
It is a great idea. It propels you to look at something different for inspiration and sets a deadline so it actually gets made!
I watched the fifth element the day before the event was released. I love orange and haven't made any females for my warband yet so Leeloo as inspiration was a clear choice.
Leeloo in all her orange gloriousness |
I feel I won't have to do much capture her essence as the orange hair is a bit of a cop out in a way. So I am going to try and create a dynamic model as she always seems to be moving in the film. I want to capture her movement, and for her to have a strong presence.
I have started with some dry fit mock ups, mainly built from the amazing harlequins set. The head is a place holder and I hope to change it soon. I want to use a head like the sisters of battle but with the hair billowing forward. I have been unsuccessful in finding any third party bits, so I may have to sculpt the hair.
1. Warband member Leeloo
2. Inquisitor Leeloo
In the second model I changed the back piece for the coat, I think it makes her look more like an inquisitor. I can't decide which I prefer. I also need to de-eldar her.
Bits used:
- Harlequin Troupe - legs, body, right arm
- Dark Eldar - left arm
- Bolter - Forgeworld Mk. 4 bolter